Summary of my lecture at Columbia University

Summary of my lecture

The poems translation as its second life adventure at a parallel world
(Translating the “Jewish poets of the Middle Ages” and “TANAIS”)

-I will start my lecture by unfolding some of my thoughts on poetry and poetry translation.

I believe that Wordsworth’s romantic definition of poetry as the overwhelming feeling of the poet is still valid. Also valid is the definition of poetry as the mimesis of actions and qualities mirroring the natural surroundings of the poet.  But mainly and above all, poetry is our tool to extend the limits of our language allowing us in this way to hint the ineffable and to extend the limits of our world. We should not forget that the bible is full of poetry and that the "Song of Songs” is considered to be one of the best poems ever written. I believe also that poetry needs to be using a language which reflects its time. The use of adjectives, for instance, ought to be reduced to the absolute minimum. Poetry language should be plain and robust.

Poetry translation raises many questions:
Why does a poet choose a poem? (Is translation for a poet an exercise in writing or an aesthetic pursuit?) Can poetry be translated? (Through word for word translation or through adaptation into another language leading to the creation of a new poem?) Are there ethical issues involved in translation and which ones? Is it possible to translate from one cultural tradition to another and what difficulties are involved in such an effort? Is there “alienation” in approaching what is alien or is there “colonial” exoticism? What about translation from one historical period to another? Does translation bring about a critical evaluation of the original poem? 

I will briefly provide my answers to the above questions.  Also, I will present the results of my asking these questions to prominent translators in Greece. 

-In the main section I shall show how the above apply to me, in the way I translated the Jewish poets of the middle Ages.  I shall discuss the translation of some poems.

Also I shall discuss some examples of translated poetry from Greek into English, from my collection Tanais”.

-As a conclusion I will emphasize that poetry translation remains a huge issue for discussion.  I will also express my opinion that whatever answer we may have, translation is a) an artwork by itself and therefore demands specific skills on the part of the translator (who must be either a poet or a person with understanding poetry) and b) translated poems serve as a medium of intercultural communication. This is so even when the translated poem is considered to be a new poem created out of the translator’s interpretation of the original, via his persuasions, interests, beliefs, social environment, etc. The translation of a poem adds to or reinforces the poetry of the target language.

Iossif Ventura

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